Class Biographies


The Class of 1959 is the inspiration for this section - a large number of them have submitted Class of 1959 bios to their class site. All are very interesting with such variety of life stories. Our Class has even more interesting stories that need to be told...

Very Important: If you want your bio password protected so that it will NOT be indexed by the search engines, like Google, please let me know.  Then, your story will be told to the class on this site - not to the world.

Leave a Legacy!  Everyone says nobody is going to be interested in what I've been doing, but the partial bios on the following pages prove that's wrong! There are so many interesting stories - and no doubt a lot more not yet told. So please, everyone,  submit your story by clicking the email link below.  Those of you who have information posted, don't hesitate to update and add to what's already there.  Note: most information will be found under one's "class name."

Comments or want to add something? Contact (click):

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Biographies A - E

Biographies F - I

Biographies J - N

Biographies O - Z

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